Hi, I'm Radu



How I built this website

Follow my journey of building my personal website from idea to launch, mistakes and all. Expect OpenAI-generated color palette, SvelteKit, Tailwind, a few bad decisions and a dash of overengineering.

Integrating Auth0 User Invitations with auth0-react's withAuthenticationRequired HOC

Integrating Auth0 user invitations with React applications can be tricky, especially when using the `withAuthenticationRequired` Higher-Order Component (HOC) from `auth0-react`. This article bridges that gap by explaining how to process invitation callbacks seamlessly.

Launching Yappa, a new productivity tool for freelancers and contractors

I am pleased to announce the launch of Yappa, a powerful productivity tool designed by a freelancer, for freelancers. Yappa helps streamline client management, simplify time tracking, and more - all in one place. In this article I share the story behind Yappa and give a technical sneak peek into how it was built.

Using Azure Deployment Stacks

Deployment stacks are a powerful feature of Azure that can bring sanity to complex deployments. In this short article I'll explain what they are by exploring a simple use case.